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Found 1567 records
Author of work Work Publish year Receiver Gender Reception type Year Country
1 Xreception Ackerlin-Gregoor, H.A. *Translation of Friedrich Friedrich: Het ontslapen eens dichters 1874 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1874 Netherlands
2 Xreception Alberdingk Thijm, Catharina Een koninklijke misdaad, roman uit onze dagen bewerkt naar gedenkschriften ener onlangs overledene prinses 1887 ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
3 Xreception Alberdingk Thijm, Catharina Vera 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
4 Xreception Alphen, Petronella Cornelia van *Petronella Cornelia van Alphen, the author ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1833 Netherlands
5 Xreception Alphen, Petronella Cornelia van Gedichtjes voor de jeugd 1810 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1811 Netherlands
6 Xreception Ampt, Anna De bruid van Angrogna : romantische episode uit de geschiedenis der Waldenzen 1854 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1857 Netherlands
7 Xreception Ampt, Anna De bruid van Angrogna : romantische episode uit de geschiedenis der Waldenzen 1854 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1854 Netherlands
8 Xreception Ampt, Anna De bruid van Angrogna : romantische episode uit de geschiedenis der Waldenzen 1854 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1855 Netherlands
9 Xreception Ampt, Anna Schaduwbeelden uit Suriname 1858 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1859 Netherlands
10 Xreception Anderson, Marie Cyriacus de kloostergek 1882 Haighton, Elise Adelaïde F Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
11 Xreception Anderson, Marie Zoo zijn er 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
12 Xreception Anderson, Marie Zoo zijn er 1882 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
13 Xreception Anderson, Marie Clebitius' Nachtegaal 1882 Haighton, Elise Adelaïde F Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
14 Xreception Anderson, Marie Open brief aan mevrouw Storm-van der Chijs 1868 ~~anonymous Dutch F Article in the press 1868 Netherlands
15 Xreception Anderson, Marie Multatuli-wespen 1888 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
16 Xreception Anderson, Marie Schetsen naar het leven 1880 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1881 Netherlands
17 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch *Translation of Clark Russel: *De koningin der zee 1888 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
18 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch Hulde aan Napoleon 1814 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1814 Netherlands
19 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch Dix-huit soirées à la campagne 1827 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1827 Netherlands
20 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch *Nicht Stella. Een verhaal uit Jamaica 1860 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1861 Netherlands
21 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch De miskende vader, of Liefde en Ondankbaarheid ... 1848 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1848 Netherlands
22 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch Mevrouw Braafhart en hare kinderen 1821 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1821 Netherlands
23 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch Een gelukkig huwelijk 1885 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1891 Netherlands
24 Xreception ~~anonymous Dutch Kenau-Hasselaeriana, of Aansporing der mannen van den landstorm en de landmilitie 1814 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1815 Netherlands
25 Xreception Avinck, Johanna Het eene noodige en begeerlyke goed voorgestelt en aangepreezen in tien brieven 1784 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1784 Netherlands
26 Xreception Avinck, Johanna De schatten van een christen briefsgewijze voorgedragen 1779 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1780 Netherlands
27 Xreception Avinck, Johanna Toegift op de schatten van een christen 1783 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1783 Netherlands
28 Xreception Baart, Lucretia Jacoba Novellen (Baart) 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
29 Xreception Bakker Korff-Hoogeboom, Geertruida Johanna Haar adel 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
30 Xreception Bakker Korff-Hoogeboom, Geertruida Johanna Haar adel 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
31 Xreception Bär, Mathilde Eerste gedichten 1863 ~~author male (name below) M Article in the press 1863 Netherlands
32 Xreception Berckel-van Heek, C. van *Translation of: B.D. Blackmore: Erema, or, My fathers sin 1880 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1882 Netherlands
33 Xreception Bergendahl, Anna Amalia Christelijke weldadigheid, jaarboekje 1859 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1860 Netherlands
34 Xreception Bergendahl, Anna Amalia Christelijke weldadigheid, jaarboekje 1859 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1861 Netherlands
35 Xreception Bergendahl, Anna Amalia Souvenir 1855 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1860 Netherlands
36 Xreception Bergh, Mlle H. van den Poésies (vd. Bergh) 1833 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1834 Netherlands
37 Xreception Bergh, Mlle H. van den Poésies (vd. Bergh) 1833 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1834 Netherlands
38 Xreception Beun, Johanna Verhandeling over het getal des beestes 1783 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1785 Netherlands
39 Xreception Beun, Johanna Verhandeling over het getal des beestes 1783 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1784 Netherlands
40 Xreception Beveren, Sophia Dorothea de *Translation of Robert Walker: Leerredenen over enige onderwerpen 1792 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1794 Netherlands
41 Xreception Bijns, Anna Refreinen 1528 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1866 Netherlands
42 Xreception Binkes, Justine Annette Een zwak karakter 1890 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
43 Xreception Binkes, Justine Annette Onder voogdij 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1890 Netherlands
44 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Serena, gedichten 1898 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1899 Netherlands
45 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
46 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
47 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
48 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Aquarellen 1887 ~~journalist (name unknown) M Article in the press 1888 Netherlands
49 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Sturmfels 1889 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1889 Netherlands
50 Xreception Boddaert, Marie Agathe Aquarellen 1887 ~~journalist (name below) M Article in the press 1887 Netherlands